Space Applications
Master's programme

Time remaing to launch apply










Space engineering

We know it sounds like something super complicated, something you can never learn.

Well, it's true. But like in every other job, you're not alone. Space engineering is always a team job.

And these teams always have a system engineer. His role is not to understand every detail but to understand the system
(satellite, scientific payload, launcher) in general.

Examples of the space projects done by the companies and academia in the Brno region

Do you want to be a system engineer?

Do you want to prepare for a career in engineering and space?

Become a space engineer

Follow through!

Come to the Brno University of Technology, where a brand new Space Applications Master's programme is starting right now!
The first and only space-focused programme in the Czech Republic, in cooperation with companies and academia who can directly take you in as an intern or junior engineer!

Why Space Applications at Brno University of Technology?

It is the only master's degree focused on space in the Czech Republic. You will have a chance to study balanced combination of mechanical and electrical engineering.

#brnoregion is one of leading centres of science, research, and innovation in Europe.

Everything at your fingertips - Brno employs more than 300 engineers in the field of science and industry.

Emphasis on practice - you will try everything you study right away as part of paid internships with our partners.


Are you planning to do an online course or distance study?

No, that is not in the forecast for now.

Do I need to pay any tuition or fee?

There is tuition of €1000 per year, so for this two-year programme, it is €2000 in total. Don't worry, there is a lot of space companies in the Brno region, there is always an opportunity to work for them even during your studies. And if you count it, it's only €100 a month - something that is not a problem to make in a space company!

Can someone help me with my visa and other documents?

Yes, there is a regional agency JCMM - contact them, and they will help you.

Do I need to have any specific previous education?

No. If you have a high-school understanding of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) you will be fine! There is no need to hold a degree in engineering, but it is a Master's programme - so a Bachelor's degree is needed.

Is there an entrance exam?

Yes, there is an exam. It consists of basic questions from the fields of mathematics, physics, and informatics, as well as a short personal interview. This exam is consisting only of basic questions at high school level. Nothing that will stop you!

What is the proper way to get my questions about the programme answered?

Please email us at We are checking the email regularly, and we will try to reply and help you as soon as possible.